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[SOTD] 020112
Monday, January 2, 2012

Song Title: Zhong Zuo Yi Ge Meng
Artist: Selina Jen
Release Date: 21st December 2011

就算是风吹乱我的梦 再不能触摸
就算方向变不同 重作一个梦
天使会再降临 阴霾终会过
我经历了沉淀过 再做梦

Selina's solo single is surprisingly pretty good
since cpop has been pretty disappointing lately

Mum is abusing what i said T_T
i said i would help her and work after new year...
One day after new year and she gives me a pile of stuff to do *pout*

Yay, Stell is finally back, welcome back~ ♡ 


8:12 PM