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Renai VS Drazic
Monday, October 24, 2011
So all fansubs don't want to be flamed... obviously
but improvement is necessary ne~
This is not meant to sound harsh or anything.
I'll post everything under a spoiler tag...
DO NOT read it unless you can take constructive criticism
I don't want anyone going around saying "Jessy flamed this and that fansub because of this and that. She shouldnt do this and that blablabla they're new etc etc"
No one is forcing you to read this! And i warned you already.
I do think what Drazic said is a bit harsh but at least he made you aware of your problems right?
Or at least i hope he did... If he didn't then maybe i will.
Anyway... Here's the feedback.
Sunrise ~Love Is All~ by Ayumi Hamasaki
Remember: DO NOT read unless you can handle it!
-/+ You could've found a better one but it's reasonably okay. I don't expect HD PVs all the time since they are hard to find. Especially ones that aren't really new.
- It would be better if you follow the japanese a bit better instead of rearranging the sentences (i know you're trying to make the sentences more english like but it's weird if you over do it)
- A few awkward sentences here and there (needs editing... noticed you skipped that step)
- The flow of the lyrics isn't that great. Keep in mind that this is a SONG so you should TRY to make it flow as best as you can
- There were capital letters at the beginning of some lines even though the last one didn't have a full stop O_o Proper use of punctuation would be good.
+ *attempts to think of a positive* um... the translations are reasonably okay... if you ignore the fact that you rearranged it a bit too much
- The break up of the english translations is awkward. It splits in the middle of a romaji sentence. This confuses the viewer and doesnt look too good.
- Lines such as "if i shout it out, i wonder it it'll come across just a little" disappear too quickly. Keep in mind that if you can't read that fast then the viewer can't read that fast either.
+ The k-timing was done really well and the splitting of lines was alright.
- The timing for the credits was strange. It's not even and you didn't give enough time for people to read the translating credit. Compared to the typesetting credit, the translating one was really short.
- DO NOT use a white outline unless the primary colour is dark. Light green/yellow + white outline is a pain to the eyes. It shouts "i want you to go blind after watching this"
- Light grey secondary colour + white outline for the kfx isnt any better than green/yellow. As a general rule: Dark outline + light fill in OR Dark fill in + light outline.
-/+ If you put the translations on the black background, wouldn't make sense to put the romaji on the black background too? It wouldve made it more visible since you chose a light outline.
- The translation font size is huge. If it was smaller you would be able to fix your splitting lines problem mentioned above.
+ Karaoke effects were pretty good and suit the song since its a happy jumpy song.
+ Beginning credits were done quite nicely
- Disclaimers were not that great. Slight pink and grey is hard to see. I couldn't even read the word 'strictly' and the other words were not clear.
- You went from a 85mb mp4 raw to a 35mb avi release = massive quality loss and it is definitely the main problem.
- Quality loss = pixilated images = not nice to watch.
- Disclaimer text is pixilated as well. Not sure what you tried to do with it since it's not meant to be pixilated.
- Logo placing: try placing the logo on the actual video and not the black section since it stands out a bit too much on black (yes i know i placed the logo on the black part for Endless Love *admits to being a fail encoder and not thinking properly when i encoded episode 01*)
- Logos should not be massive! (in reference to another PV not this one). Fansubs groups who have massive over the top logos are inconsiderate. Think of the viewer! They DO NOT want to have a massive logo obstructing their viewing.
- Another thing about logos. NEVER EVER place it ON TOP of the original logos. That is just plain rude. Remember you do not own the original rights to it, so it would be nice of you to keep the original logos visible.
- You could've cropped some of the black out. It would've made it looks slightly better.
DONE! I really hope i didn't hurt anyone's feelings
If you want me to elaborate on something um use the comment feature.
Jess is trying to help improve the quality of subs released because I too need subs and do not want to live with having to watch... *cant think of a better word for crap* subs so yeaaa.
Anyway i don't expect anyone to say anything to me about what i have just posted but after you have read this... if you want to, feel free to leave a comment ^^
No harsh feelings ne~
Oh and what i said on twitter... im sure someone will come across it (5/6 tweets) - omg! i see horrible typesetting T_T my eyes! (public) - i didnt start it >_< Drazic did :L (to julie) - yea but considering they only dd that in a few hours compared to R's few weeks LOL its just plain haha but so HD :D (to lea) - HAHA!! yea he is right (to julie) - *nods!* and the translation lyrics flow more (to lea)
Again, this is NOT flaming. It was more of a let's state our honest opinion. I don't know why I am explaining myself but... 1. I say anything not nice is horrible (I pick on typesetting all the time. My standards to typesetting are pretty high) 2. She was asking who i was referring to :/ 3. Er Lea was saying that Drazic's one was a bit too plain compared to yours so she wasn't even saying anything negative about Renai 4. Um i don't think this was even on the same topic O_o LOL 5. Lea was just saying positive things about Drazic's = not flaming Renai
So... yea again we were not flaming anyone (just incase someone thinks we were) Lea was simply stating positives of the other video and didn't mention Renai at all Julie was just curious about who i was referring to and then moved onto another topic As for me... I always pick on typesetting (and i think other people would agree with the light fill + light border = bad bad bad... i think if i made you watch a video with subs that were like that you would complain too... plus i even pick on my own typesetting sometimes) and saying that something is better than the other is not counted as flaming. Was just saying he did a good job with it considering he did it in a few hours.
If you take offense to what i've said...
Well... you kind of need to learn how to take constructive criticism better but you are free to voice your opinions here. I give you full permission to flame me and tell me off via the comment option on this post. Bitch about me to my face and not behind my back~ ♡