welcome to my blog

Last Swimming Carnival
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

. . . which i didnt go to haha!
do i regret not going . . . nopeee well not yet haha
but theres always athletics left ^_^ i shall go to that one lol

): couldnt sleep last night . . .
started coughing and wheezing at like 1-2
this is happening way too often D:
nva use to happen before >< aiya
dont think i ended up asleep till like 4 :S
yea and my plan of waking up at 8 did not happen haha
woke up at 7:30 felt dizzy and tired so fell asleep again till 11

all ive done today is
- business revision of finance topic
- business hw
- just started english

what i must complete before sleep
- japanese writing piece [omg thats probably going to take forever! and its not even one of my subjects D:]
- maths hw [should be fairly easy . . . i hope ><]
- finish at least half? of english :S
- put my school timetable on my comp . . .

i am so going to fail this english speech T_T
*goes into a depressed state*
5 more days! i hope i can get it completed by friday

*whines drags self back to english*
hm after i read this fanfic haha D:

was fixing up my logbook . . .
T_T i keep forgetting to write the meter thing *sigh
its so god damn annoying D:< !!
have done 32 hrs hehe :3
[technically ive only driven 18 hrs tho haha
the rest are the 1hr = 3hr driving school thing LOL!]
another 88 hrs by may D:
dont think ill be able to get that many hrs done ):
and since mum doesnt let me drive when sis is in the car its going to be really hard to get 88 hrs done in 3 months

^_^ is happy
im improving in my driving haha
can finally reverse park :3
after trying only 2 times with the instructor ^^
and i er kinda failed that time too >< cause he kept turning the wheel for me =.= cause he said i was turning it too slowly .__. its not my fault his wheel is harder to turn T_T my mums car the wheel is easier to turn . . .
hm now i dont want to take his car to do the test >>
cause i might fail at reverse parking in it D:

shall continue english at 8 . . .

=.= at my grandma who keeps saying stuff bout me not even having a fan on in my room when its so hot
iduno it doesnt feel that hot in my room :S
and since ive been in darkness its kinda cooler as well lol

Chu Dong by Wilber is stuck in my head T_T
well the chorus LOL
music vid in previous post

ahh im running outa banners to use for my posts >< LOL
and i um cbb looking for more ):

7:44 PM