Happy Birthday Kristy
Friday, February 4, 2011
hm yea i have nothing to blog about ):
i feel like i have so much hw to do T_T and i still have english speech to do D: omg D: the teacher whos marking it is the deputy principle ahhh! *scared*
so ive wasted my entire night smart >> 11pm . . . should do english speech till 2 then sleep
omg so tired 4 hrs sleep each night only since school started was falling asleep in eco and legal was alright in business :D cause it was more entertaining business seems to always wake me up hehe and then during english was kinda sleepy
=.= i hate how big my group is fkk!! its not even a damn group its like many many groups joined together >>
you see . . . we were only meant to have 10 ? people in the room when we were celebrating Kristy's bday but then everyone else came too =.= so . . . when the paying part for the cake came it didnt add up correctly arggg!! so goddamn annoying!!
oh wells, i guess . . . anyway ty lizzy for getting the cake . . .
got eco legal and business again on monday lol! yay for cool weather next week
NTS: cancel driving lesson, pick up parcel on monday [i still owe irene her present T_T]
Happy 17th Birthday Kristy~ ^^