welcome to my blog

Saturday, February 19, 2011

so not in the mood to blog . . .
im becoming really lazy
which is causing my blog to slowly die
but i shall try to continue

anyway my day . . .
3 hrs of driving yay!
ended up:
1- missing the exit on the M5 [i blame the navigator!]
2- driving up the footpath and killing mums car [oops]
3- scaring mum to death cause i suddenly went from 50 to 70 and it looked as if i was going to smash into the car infront if i didnt break

speed limit is like 80
i was going 78
stupid full licence driver overtook me =.=
i ended up overtaking them again
and they just sped up even more when i was already over the speed limit >>
its as if full licence drivers dont like the sight of L plate drivers overtaking them wth
and i dont like full licence drivers overtaking me! >:(

=.= NSW is lame!!
there was one part where the speed limit was 100
but i could only go 80 ):
if i was in QLD i would be able to go 100 LOL

haha mummy says im not a safe driver cause i stick too close to the speed limit ):
thats not really a bad thing though D:
it means im not keeping up traffic LOL
not that i really care . . .

was forced to play golf =.=
i purposely wore flats so that i couldnt but mum made me trade shoes with her
its alright . . . i guess
but my palm hurts T_T

hm what else did i do :/
i think thats about it

yea i cbb raging about the damn computer support people cause theyre not worth my time!

i have so much hw to do T_T
and study notes D:
full day of hw tomorrow!
someone can somehow whack me if i procrastinate D:

ah im going to get killed by 2 people soon
no wait 3 =.=

stupid megaupload!
stupid internet
7th time trying to upload taisetsu na koto wa subete kimi ga oshiete kureta ep 2 =.=

im so sleepy today ):
cause i got woken up by mum
i checked my emails cause thats what i usually do when i wake up
saw the email to encode the vid
so i thought ok ill get up do it and go back to sleep
but it took me 1.5 hrs to get the correct file size =.=
damn virtual dub doesnt have a target file size thing like megui ):
but megui is SO confusing T_T
i still have to set that up . . . maybe tomorrow
ty enchant for the megui tutorial

mid years are getting closer and closer T_T
exactly a month from now D:
omg! *starts freaking out*
i have a feeling im going to fail all my subjects
i dont feel confident at all

since i gotta start doing my study notes and then studying
instead of messing around . . .

Jess must read less fanfic and go on twitter less!
and stop wasting her time doing nothing at all D:

Nina! im going on hiatus!! till april 1st [or maybe a few days before that]
can u email me my work instead [+ the raw link haha, i dont really dl them before hand]

8th time this upload has failed
and yea yen is going to come after me soon D:
stupid MU!

10th time =.=
i give up on Megaupload
time to try multiupload!
its slower though but im hoping it doesnt fail ):

off comp time . .
i cbb with img
so ill upload one later :3
its one of the golf course haha

to do list:
- eco notes + worksheet
- eng essay
- maths sheets
- legal questions
- business finance booklet

11:27 PM