welcome to my blog

Domain Name
Sunday, February 6, 2011

hm those who read my LJ yesterday prob already know that i was annoyed at stupid blogger . . .
anyway it finally let me buy a domain name for my fansub group =.=
glad the exchange rate didnt go down yet :3
cost less than $10/yr hehe ^^
yea theres like no difference having a domain name and not having one, i just felt like getting one lol
it looks better :D 

well it turns out google hates safari >>
got up to the checkout page and the stupid thing didnt let me complete it . . .
opened chrome and copied pasted the link and it worked =.=
stupid thing!
if it doesnt like any other browser then it should at least tell you 'use google chrome' geesh!
such a waste of time
and that was what i was worrying about on friday when i shouldve been doing english
cause i didnt think it went through since the url was still available
but then when i got up to the sign in page it said an order was already there
glad everything is fine now though ^^
well almost fine lol
got to wait 3 days for it to be completely working :/

hm i kind of want to change the template . . .
dont like the current one
it looks kinda kid like? iduno LOL
i like the template that SUBlimes used ):
but na not going to use that one >>
hm . . . cant seem to find any ones i like
since im bias to side bars but i think i should use one with a side bar
umm yea i dont know
and i have no time to search atm
so i shall search after my speech is due = tuesday

eh some emnhosting thing just tweeted me and Nina :S
*goes to check it out* . . .

30 mins later
hmm free hosting sounds cool but
*stares at terms and conditions
Basic Requirement . . . i got a month um ok? :S
Down Time & Data Loss . . . hmm
Banned Content . . . er "you may not host an account that contains illegal content" :S um . . .
Code your own WordPress theme from scratch . . . yea i cant do that hm could get help though
yea the content um . . .
*tweets back &  waits for reply?* LOL
i wouldnt mind playing around with wordpress i guess :/
Hm i shall go ask elysse whenever this person replies to my tweet . . .
*pokes Nina* what does Nina think of it? haha

ah! 9:30
gotta finish conclusion for eng speech and maybe add a few more points?
do business hw
eco hw
legal hw

(via TFN)

9:38 PM