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Tuesday, February 15, 2011
i think my blog is slowly dying ><
i really dont bother with this anymore :/
my livejournal is even more alive than this . . . i think
past week what have i done hmm . . .
i hope i didnt do too badly in me english speech last wed
i am starting to regret dropping japanese [no wait thats nothing new, i regretted dropping it a week after i dropped it =.=]
maths i killing me slowly
business, eco and legal are going to be stressful if i dont start revising now
mid year exams in a months time
should start studying soon . . .
two things that need to disappear from my life right now
1. fansubbing
2. fanfic
hm and maybe dramas as well LOL
but none of those things are going to
hmm iduno apparently US colleges arent as good or well some arent as good as the top few here
sigh yea iduno what to do or what i want to do anymore
so priority list [how it should be]
1. mid year exams
2. figure out what course i want to do in uni and get info on opportunities
3. bug my cousin <-- yea thats on my list LOL dw theres a reason behind it, im not a person who would randomly start bugging my cousin for some unknown reason haha
4. get my Ps? :/
5. find/decide on another moderator for my fs group [since the cofounder doesnt do anything, doesnt reply to my msgs till days late *angry face* and then moderator well she has her own group to worry bout before mine]
list of stuff i must complete before monday
1. finish ch 4 of eco notes
2. finish topic 1 of business notes
3. complete ch 8 questions for legal
- maths sheets
- eco hsc past questions
- legal questions
- read great gatsby [yea i havent done that yet, my bad]
yay Sunny Happiness aired
ive watched half of the first ep already
but iduno im not hooked yet :/
keep in mind that im not a fan of any of the actors in it including mike he LOL
so . . . yea not really anything to look at HAHA
Oh a little comment about Taisetsu no Koto wa Subete Kimi ga Oshiete Kurete
Who also thinks theres an overuse of PINK songs as background music? >> LOL
its not even background music =.= its too loud . . .
but the actual drama is good ^_^ hehe
my maths teacher is officially crazy =.=
she told us to COPY 4 pages worth of examples
wtf! as if thats necessary!!
im never going to look at them again anyway
11:30 ): gotta do eco hw and maybe start doing my notes . . .
i am determined to finish them by friday!!
but as many of you know . . . i am slow and lazy when it comes to writing notes
oh and i like to waste time prettifying them HAHA
=.= im getting forced to go out on Saturday . . .
taking sis to sport >>
hm mum said i can drive though :D
M5 hehe, driving fast is fun ^_^ LOL
this morning my mum was asking how much money i had in the bank and i was like $**** and then she was like WHAT i dont believe u
hmph! D:< its not like she gives me money anymore T_T
have to use my own ):
=.= she thought i had double what i actually have i wouldnt mind her giving me a few extra thousand you know LOL
mum going back to china next month again =.=
and so is grandma
good thing is that i get the whole house to myself so that i can study [i hope]
bad thing is that i have to wake up extra early to catch the bus to school =.=
i think i will take my late start that week :/ its only one lesson LOL
hmm my bitch grandma who thinks she knows everything
was saying that i should pick up a hobby and do sport and what not
she keeps comparing me to my guy cousins
she was like what how come your school doesnt have saturday sport and all that crap
er its not my fault
mum said she would send me to a private school
but you were like oh the catholic school in lakemba is just as good
cause you didnt want your son to fork our money
no i do not want to go to that school
i want to stay in the same area for primary school and high school
i was actually going to move primary schools in year 5 actually
and tbh i think the school i go to now is way better than that catholic school anyway
oh and plus the fact that i hated religion even though i was pretty good at it
i swear my grandma is so frikn bias
like she doesnt really act or speak that way but then when you combine all her actions and all together
you can really see her bias side
i didnt realise this until she said to my cousin younger than me who is attending some catholic school in chatswood . . . "you should got to the same school as your brothers, the school you go to makes a difference and employers like to see good schools with high reputation on your CV" something along the lines of that
and i was just sitting there going WTF BITCH
5 years ago she said the school u go to doesnt matter and now shes saying that it does
what you treat them as family more then me!?
yes this is the way i feel!
ive been on this blog long enough
got hw to complete
i have plenty of crap to rage at my grandma bout
but this shall be it
or this post will not be read since it is getting WAYYYY too long LOL
hopefully i will bother posting here soon :3
and yay for Serenity Fansub's first jdrama release [Deka Wanko] & first twdrama release [Love Buffet] the other day <3
hmm trying to see what is good next season but the only thing i see atm is BOSS season 2
Hongki's drama is apparently airing at 12am O_o
means the rating is probably going to be N-17?
ok off to do eco hw . . .
ty maths tutor for not really giving me any specific homework :D
i dont think anyone is going to bother reading this lol